Comcast, Walmart beware: Conservative investors launch campaign to beat America’s ‘wokest’ companies

‘We are winning but some of the most important fights are still to come’

A group of conservative investors plan to take on four of the “wokest” corporations at upcoming shareholder meetings over allegedly discriminatory policies in an effort to defend shareholders, according to a press release.

The Free Enterprise Project of the National Center for Public Policy Research, a Boardroom Initiative (BI) coalition member, will make proposals at Walmart, Twitter, Facebook and Comcast shareholder meetings held over the next two weeks to hire outside firms to investigate whether or not the companies are placing merit behind “equity” considerations, according to the release.

“Our purpose is simple – to hold corporate America accountable so they can focus exclusively on delivering value to shareholders instead of virtue-signaling to left-wing activists,” Brad Anderson, chairman of the Boardroom Initiative, said in the release. “There are millions of Americans, including many retirees living on fixed incomes, who depend on their 401k income and are facing record inflation. They deserve a voice, and we will be their voice.”


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