John Wayne vs. Cat Ladies (Spoiler: Wayne Loses)

“Your ‘tough guys’ got their asses kicked by childless spinsters and epicene

I don’t care for kids; that’s why I never had any. That said, in my early 30s I did have one brief episode of dealing with children. I dated a Dominican woman who had an 11-year-old daughter. The absentee father was white.

The kid was strikingly intelligent. It surprised me that I could carry on a conversation with her without having to speak condescendingly. I damn near thought, “Maybe children aren’t so bad.”

The girl was attending one of the most exclusive private academies in L.A.—the Oaks School in Hollywood. It was spring 1999. And the most brutal lesson I learned from helping this girl with her homework was that the school’s history curriculum was blatantly antiwhite. One evening, as I was assisting her with a lesson about America’s founding, she started weeping about how ashamed she was of her white ancestry. Because the lesson plan was basically “Genocidal whites slaughtered Injuns, ate their scalps, and raped their women.”


Complete text linked here.

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