If Only Putin Had Invaded Mexico by Ann Coulter

“You know who else didn’t want to sell lethal weapons to Ukraine?”

As World War III looms in Europe, we must put narrow partisan differences aside and tap the brain power of the greatest minds among us. It is time for the Biden White House to call upon … Jared!

Speaking of the best and the brightest, our foreign policy mandarins must have felt like it was Christmas Day when a senile dementia patient became president. Finally! No meddling politicians to get in the way of our beautifully designed plans worked out at the Council on Foreign Relations. Although Joseph R. Biden is technically, in a strictly legal sense, “president,” it’s progressives running his domestic policy, and think-tank geniuses running his foreign policy.

Things are going great!

Let’s review the consistent position on Russia from our ruling class, informed by the whiz kids of international affairs.


Complete text linked here.

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