Unseen Dark Hand: The Man Who Uses YOUR Money to Make Corporations Go Woke

“He is what I call the king of the woke industrial complex…and what they do is they cause companies to bend the knee to woke orthodoxy…. BlackRock says that we won’t invest in your company unless you abide by these progressive standards, or we’ll dock the pay of a CEO or fire a CEO who refuses to bend the knee to woke orthodoxy.”

Some may wonder why, in a representative republic, many of our most enforced societal norms are so unrepresentative of the wider population. Why, they may ask, is “wokeness” foisted on a citizenry generally opposed to it? One reason is a man who has been called the “puppet master behind the scenes of corporate America.” The kicker:

Unlike billionaire George Soros, this man uses your money to pull the strings.

The puppeteer is Larry Fink, CEO of multinational investment management corporation BlackRock. Fink isn’t as well known as Soros, but he has been dubbed “The Most Powerful Man in Finance.”

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported on Fink’s machinations Thursday evening, pointing out that “BlackRock is the single largest asset manager in the entire world, and that fact gives the CEO of BlackRock Larry Fink unparalleled control over the U.S economy and of the companies that comprise it.”


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