GOP senator releases Fauci’s financial records, claims they show he ‘lied’

Earlier Friday, Marshall announced that he would be introducing the Financial Accountability for Uniquely Compensated Individuals Act, otherwise known as the FAUCI Act, which would mandate that the Office of Government Ethics present the financial records for officials such as Fauci on its website.

Sen. Roger Marshall released financial records Friday he said were obtained from Dr. Anthony Fauci after the two clashed earlier this week at a hearing over access to such disclosures.

The Kansas Republican claims the documents from the National Institutes of Health show Fauci, who is President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser and a leading government voice advising the public on dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, “lied to the American people” when he claimed during a Senate hearing Tuesday that the information was “public knowledge.”

“He is more concerned with being a media star and posing for the cover of magazines than he is being honest with the American people,” Marshall said in his statement, noting that he specifically requested unredacted copies.


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