Is BLM Based On a Conspiracy Theory?

Marcuse went on in 1969 to write about liberation in positively alarming terms, indicating that until human beings are fundamentally remade at a “biological” level, essentially to prefer socialism to capitalism, liberation will remain impossible.

Because it wants to continue taking money directly, Black Lives Matter UK has become an official organization and, in the process, renamed itself “Black Liberation Movement UK.” This obviously allows it to retain its BLM UK branding without changing anything about its politics.

“We remain committed and our politics hasn’t changed, and we remain in constant conversation [with] and committed to the network of Black Lives Matter groups across the world,” said Elliott Cooper, who registered the entity. But people should be asking what this idea of “black liberation” is in the first place. We hear it a lot, and yet a quick web search reveals that its meaning is not immediately clear.

Liberation—black or otherwise—is a neo-Marxist concept based loosely upon Marx’s notion of the “emancipated man” who has been freed from the oppressive system of capitalism as it naturally evolves into communism. “Liberation” specifically refers to the liberation from systemic oppression, to frame it as the neo-Marxists would, which is to say liberation from the liberal order and Enlightenment rationalism, if we translate it into plainspeak.


Complete text linked here.

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