Greek MEP: Only the Visegrád Four countries conduct good migration policy

Emmanouil Fragkos believes that as long as the European Commission is leftist, then all countries that fulfill its orders will have problems with illegal migration

The current actions taken by the European Commission when it comes to migration policy do not consider the good of Greek citizens, according to Greek MEP Emmanouil Fragkos, who is a member of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR),

He explained in an interview for Polish Catholic Radio Maryja that it is impossible for Greece to give asylum to every illegal migrant and permit them to reside on Greek and European soil.

The MEP emphasized that his country’s Left government has been inefficiently combating illegal migration and is not assertive when it comes to dealing with the European Commission.

“The only countries that conduct good migration policy are the Visegrad Four. Poland and Hungary are acting correctly, although they are attacked by the European Commission for doing so,” he said.

Fragkos believes that Europe is facing yet another migration crisis. He drew comparisons between the current crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border with the situation between Greece and Turkey. Turkish president Erdogan had pushed migrants into Greece to put pressure on the country and demand more funds from the European Commission. Belarus is sending migrants to the Baltic states for similar reasons.


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