DOJ Drops Charges Against 5 Possible Chinese Spies as FBI Focuses on January 6

FBI Drops the Ball, DOJ Drops the Charges


Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has dropped charges against five Chinese scientists spies who hid their involvement with the Chinese military in order to obtain work visas at American universities.

Prosecutors stated they would no longer pursue visa fraud and various other charges against the five scientists, who were looking to work at universities in California and Indiana.

FACT-O-RAMA! There are typically half a million Chinese students in the U.S. every year.

Judges have dismissed parts of the cases against two Chinese researchers after the FBI (shockingly?) failed to inform the suspects of their Miranda rights against self-incrimination. Miranda rights are the rights every American with a TV has heard a thousand times: the rights to remain silent or have your words used against you, and to have an attorney.


Complete text linked here.

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