When You Can’t Find Racism Invent It: Fake Hate Crimes Are the New Black

When it comes to fake hate crimes, schools and colleges seem to be where it’s at. 

Dwayne Haynesworth’s auto repair shop in Spring Lake, N.C., was repeatedly attacked by vandals, who smashed windows and spray-painted racist graffiti on cars, including swastikas, “KKK,” and a picture of a klan hood. Someone even painted Please leave” on a car. Haynesworth is black.

The attacks went on for three weeks before Haynesworth decided to install security cameras. The very next day, May 25, he caught the two culprits on video. Neither wore klan hoods nor even MAGA hats. The video captured two teen-aged boys, both black.

Last month Viterbo University student Victoria Unanka claimed she was the victim of two race crimes. One night shortly thereafter, a fire started in a lounge next to her dorm. She texted a friend that she believed she was the victim of yet another racist attack because the fire was so close to her room. Unaka apparently didn’t know the school had installed cameras after she reported the two “racists attacks” against her. Imagine her surprise when the police arrested her for arson and negligent handling of burning materials. She was released on a signature bond.


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