Religion professors argue evangelical Christians are white racists who ‘may end up killing us all’

‘If evangelicals don’t change, they pose an existential crisis to us all … their racism, their sexism, their homophobia, their lack of belief in science, lack of belief and common sense may end up killing us all’

Racism and the lost cause of the Confederacy is alive and thriving among today’s white evangelical Christians, argued three religion professors featured on a recent panel hosted by the University of Virginia titled “White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America.”

“I think that a strong and compelling argument can be made that it’s not just this lost cause narrative that still animates white evangelical Christianity wherever it exists, whether it’s on the West Coast, in the south,” said Larycia Hawkins, assistant professor of politics and religious studies at UVA.

“I lived in Chicago for 10 years and I came away telling my friends, upon reflection… the Midwest is Confederate. In fact, America is Confederate,” Hawkins said during the event.

“So deeply does white evangelicalism WASP religion penetrate the ethos and mythos of the United States. The lost cause is alive and well, not just in the folks who stormed the capital, not just in the folks who showed up in Charlottesville in the summer of 2016,” she said.


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