Pompeo: Evidence of Coronavirus Cover-Up Efforts by Chinese Communist Party ‘Staggering’

“[T]he risk that something like this happens again from that laboratory or another Chinese laboratory is very real. They are operating and conducting activities that are inconsistent with their capacity to secure those facilities. And the risk of bioweapons and bioterror emanating from this region is very real,” he concluded.

During an appearance on this week’s “Sunday Morning Futures” on Fox News Channel, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed the origins of COVID-19.

Pompeo emphasized that the evidence continues to show the coronavirus originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that it was covered up by the Chinese Communist Party. He warned of the risk of another potential outbreak and “bioterror” emanating from China.

“Maria, we worked to get every bit of evidence that we could. We tried to deliver this. The CDC tried to work with the Chinese; they covered it up terribly,” Pompeo told host Maria Bartiromo. “But every piece of evidence that we saw throughout the entire time I was there suggested that this originated in the laboratory, at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. I haven’t seen a shred of evidence that suggests anything to the contrary. That evidence continues to accumulate in spite of the fact that the Chinese Communist Party would not allow anybody to have access to the laboratory, to the original materials, to the doctors that were working there. The list of the cover-up efforts is staggering, and the combination of the circumstantial evidence that we have combined with the intense effort to deny us information about that lab suggests to me strongly that this is where it originated.”

Original source.

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