Portland police-union president warns city is on precipice of a deadly all-out gang war

“Often these violent crimes are happening in broad daylight — indiscriminate violence with hundreds and hundreds of bullets in our neighborhoods,” he wrote.

Amid what one law enforcement official has called a “seemingly indiscriminate cycle of violence,” the police union in Portland, Oregon, has a dire prediction for the city.

“We are on the precipice of a gang war,” Daryl Turner, Executive Director of the Portland Police Association, posted Thursday on the union’s Facebook page.

“Right now, our community has a sense of hopelessness. They have resigned themselves to the fact that things will get worse, not better. Residents are moving out of the City, businesses are being forced to relocate, and good, hard-working police officers are leaving the Bureau to work for other agencies,” he wrote.

Turner said Portland politicians cannot hide from the truth any longer.


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