Event: America’s Frontline Doctors Present: The Uncensored Truth Tour

Beginning May 10, we will be launching a nationwide tour to bring the uncensored truth directly to the people.We will be featuring AFLDS physicians & attorneys bringing the unbiased and uncensored facts related to science, medicine, and civil liberties.

America’s Frontline Doctors takes the truth directly to the people, with a cross-country road tour headlined by AFLDS.org founder Dr. Gold delivering “The Religion of Public Health”, a profound diagnosis of 2020’s viral propaganda, and also featuring additional AFLDS physicians and attorneys at select venues.  

The Uncensored Truth Tour is a relentless force of scientific and legal facts fighting back against censorship, chaos, and the undeniable slide towards communism that lurks beneath the tyrannical lockdowns of governmental “public health” policy.

Click here to register and for more information.

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