Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen Suggests White Male National Guard Members Are an Insider Threat

Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen (TN) on Monday suggested that white male service members could be a threat, based on his claim that most white men did not vote for Joe Biden.

CNN anchor Jim Scuitto asked Cohen about current and former members of the military and law enforcement who took part in a riot at the Capitol on January 6 and asked if he was concerned about an “insider threat” from members of the National Guard assigned to protect the Capitol during the inauguration of Biden this week.

Cohen responded 75 percent of the Guard protecting the Capitol “are in the class that would be the large class of folks who might want to do something.”

According to a transcript, Cohen said:

I was reading about this on my Twitter account, I guess, and people were reminding people of Anwar Sadat and Indira Gandhi who were killed by their own people. I was thinking, the guard is 90 some odd percent, I believe, male.

Only about 20 percent of white males voted for Biden. You have got to figure that the guard, which is predominantly more conservative and I see that on my social media, and we know it, they are probably 25 percent of the people that are there protecting us who voted for Biden.


Complete text linked here.

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