These High-Level U.S. Politicians Took Trips to China Paid for by Communist-Linked Group

The publication of this list came shortly after a similar exposé on members of the U.S. media who participated in the CUSEF-sponsored trip.

Cheap goods aren’t all that’s made in China.

A newly published list reveals the names of current and former American elected officials who have participated in trips to China paid for by a foundation tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The list, compiled by The National Pulse, includes members of Congress, U.S. senators, state legislators, mayors, and governors from both major parties.

The group in question is called the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), which is linked to the CCP and sponsors trips to China for lawmakers in order to obtain “favorable coverage” and policy for China from U.S. institutions.


Complete text linked here.

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