Jon Ossoff’s Company Produced Documentary Praising China’s Rise in Africa

Democrat Georgia Senate candidate Jon Ossoff’s production company, Insight TWI, produced a two-part report for Al Jazeera in 2015 that praised China’s growing power and influence in Africa, two years after he became the company’s CEO.

The report, featuring Sierra Leonean investigative journalist Sorious Samura, begins with an interview with an elderly African woman talking about how, when she was young, “white men” came, took their land, and destroyed their forests.

Samura contrasts that with the “new elephant” in Africa — China.

“China is now Africa’s largest trading partner. If you fly into Kenya, China greets you at the airport,” Samura said. “In just 10 years, China’s trade with the continent has gone from $10 billion to over $200 billion.”

Samura reported that an estimated 30 percent of all new projects in Africa are the result of Chinese investment. He gave passing mention to China’s desire for the “freeflow of mineral resources.”

Samura called the projects “impressive” and cited a $25 billion railway paid for and built by China linking the capitals of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and South Sudan. “The west appears to be losing influence,” Samura said.


Complete text linked here.

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