Can’t we all just get along? Hell no!

Ted Nugent offers a toast to ‘better, more effective divisiveness’

Division: You know, the proper and intelligent separation of differing ideas, choices, right and wrong, good and evil, law and order versus crime, cats and dogs, lions and lambs, my greasy BBQ and some vegan’s seaweed, common-sense stuff like that. In most cases, division is not only a good thing, but essentially desirable in order to achieve meaningful quality of life for individual and diverse choices in life.

For example, in my exciting, industrious life as a musician, I have always intentionally divided myself from stoned, irresponsible, slobbering, suicidal, inept, stinky hippies and low-man-on-the-totem pole, half-baked musicians that just don’t cut the mustard.

Why on earth would anyone want to “unite” with such counterproductive humanity?

In spite of the late not-so-great Rodney King’s goofy, fantasyland mantra, intentional, smart-choice division is why we have jails and prisons. It is always a good idea to divide the good from the bad and the ugly.

No, Rodney, we can’t all just get along until the evil punks stop being evil punks.

And so divisive conduct rages on, most notably at this time in American history between Democrats and Republicans. And yes, the lines are more obscured today than maybe ever before, as corruption, abuse of power, runaway dishonesty and criminal oath violations now run amok in both parties, and hence, more graphic division between we the people and our turncoat elected employees.


Complete text linked here.

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