Ted Cruz unleashed: ‘Washington cartel’ conspires against Americans (Video)

‘Scared of freedom because they’re all about power and control’

In a major and fiery speech on what is wrong with Washington, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas blasted leaders of both parties as corrupted by crony capitalism.

“Washington conspires against the American people on a daily basis,” charged the senator, saying it operated just like OPEC and every other cartel.

“Freedom is very scary to politicians in Washington because they’re all about power and control,” maintained the Texan during an address at the Heritage Foundation, just down the block from his Senate office.

“Big government benefits big business and small government benefits small businesses and the little guy,” said Cruz, while adding one would never hear that on the evening news because of all the powerful interests bent on maintaining the status quo.

That’s why, he maintained, Washington lawmakers had installed a system of centralized planning he likened to the Soviet Union, where “politicians picked the winners and losers” in the business world, “And the losers are the American people.”


Complete text linked here.

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