Marine Le Pen to meet the Tea Party

According to the vice president of FN, Louis Aliot, quoted by the far-right weekly Minute, “the representatives of the “tea party” are (…) very interested in (the) ascension of Marine Le Pen.”

Marine Le Pen will be visiting in early November in the United States, where she hopes to meet personalities from all sides, Republicans, Democrats and ultra-conservatives of the “tea party”, said on Wednesday Minute with the President and National Front.

The trip is set for “early November” and for “five or six days,” he told AFP the president of the National Front, which wants to go through New York, Washington and Florida.

“There will be Republicans, there will be I hope the Democrats, because I want to meet everyone, and I’ll see perhaps a number of candidates “tea party” (…) I’m going to discuss with them the economic situation and reflect together on a new economic model,” she said.


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