Citing White Birth Rates, Chinese Ambassador Claims Western Leaders Are Pursuing a “Genocide Policy”

“In Europe and America, the birth rate of whites has fallen very seriously. Is this the result of the genocide policy pursued by their leaders?” asked Ambassador Dr Zhao Yongchen.

The claim was made in response to U.S. national security advisor Robert O’Brien’s assertion at an Aspen Institute event that, “If not a genocide, something close to it going on in Xinjiang.”

O’Brien cited seizures by U.S. customs of “massive numbers” of hair products made with human hair from the region.

“The Chinese are literally shaving the heads of Uighur women and making hair products and sending them to the United States,” he said.

Ambassador Dr Zhao Yongchen shot back on Twitter by claiming that western leaders were overseeing an indirect policy of genocide against their own population.

“In Europe and America, the birth rate of whites has fallen very seriously. Is this the result of the genocide policy pursued by their leaders?” asked Yongchen.


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