We are trapped in a manufactured “oppression matrix” by the most comfortable and protected of liberal elites. Our children are being taught by anti-white, anti-American “equity” bullies that we are nothing more than the miserable sum of our politicized identities. A great and healthy society would teach its children to be thankful for, not guilty over, the “privileges” so many have worked so hard to pass on to our posterity.

Is there any clearer sign of how privileged a society is than the disproportionate amount of time that society spends guilting citizens over how privileged they are?
I’ll never forget the first time I encountered “critical race theory” and its overbearing adherents at my alma mater, Oberlin College, in the 1990s. Multicultural studies were all the rage. Higher education officials had torpedoed Western civilization curriculum requirements at prestigious universities nationwide. The ululations of the aggrieved reached a fever pitch as anti-white extremists demanded separate academic departments, dorms, graduation ceremonies and deans in the name of justice and equality.
The entire spectacle was as self-indulgent as it was comical. Spoiled white limousine liberals’ children lectured me — a child of Filipino immigrants who came from a Third World country colonized by the Spanish, overtaken by Americans and occupied by the Japanese — for thinking and acting “white” because I opposed race-based affirmative action policies. A miserable feminist student castigated me for using the patriarchal term “exploit” (as in “exploiting an opportunity.”) Wealthy minority progressives — cloistered in their intolerant “safe spaces” on a campus full of entitled brats whose parents forked over $40,000 a year in tuition — whined about being systemically oppressed.