The German Marshall Fund (GMF), an influential globalist think tank founded by the state of Germany to promote deeper ties between America and Europe — and funded in part by the U.S. government — has branded Breitbart News, Fox News, the Blaze, and the Federalist as “deceptive” news outlets, urging social media platforms to suppress their engagement.

The GMF, which claims to be a “non-partisan” organization, relies on the opinions of NewsGuard, an unaccountable Microsoft-linked establishment project that purports to “rate” the validity of news sites.
The report divides so-called “deceptive” news outlets into two tiers. “Manipulators,” that the GMF accuses of manipulating facts, and “false content producers,” which publish outright false articles.
Both descriptions are used by the GMF to smear conservative news outlets. The “manipulators” listed by the think-tank include Breitbart News, Fox News, the Daily Wire, the Blaze, and Western Journal. The “false content producers” include the Federalist, World Net Daily, and black conservative radio host Wayne Dupree.
The think tank complains that too many of these sites enjoy high levels of engagement on Facebook, and argues that “de-amplifying—or adding friction to—the content from a handful of the most dangerous sites could dramatically decrease disinformation online.”
The globalist outfit also calls for a “new PBS of the Internet, funded by a fee on online ad revenue.”