United Airlines is being sued by two middle-aged female flight attendants, one black and one Jewish. It seems that the overwhelmingly-black NFL players asked for “young blonde white girls” to be the attendants on league charter flights….. Yep, it says “team preferences.” According to the women in the complaint, United Airlines “has adopted and continues to implement procedures that are designed to ensure that young, white, blond/blue-eyed, female employees receive positions with the charter program, while more senior, and Black and Jewish employees such as plaintiffs, do not,” they said in the complaint

United Airlines Holdings Inc. packs its charter flights for sports teams with young, blond crews and bars older flight attendants from working the plum routes, according to a new lawsuit.
In so doing, the airline bases the value of workers “entirely on their racial and physical attributes, and stereotypical notions of sexual allure,” according to two veteran flight attendants who sued Friday in California.
The attendants — a Black woman who has worked for the airline for 28 years and a Jewish woman with 34 years of tenure — say that they both tried repeatedly and unsuccessfully to get assigned to work the charter flights.
In a statement released Saturday, United highlighted its track record on diversity and inclusion.