‘Things could turn very ugly’

On Sep. 17, the ninth anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, protestors are planning to begin a “siege” of the White House that will last fifty days—right up until Nov. 3. The website for the event is planning to bring thousands of protestors into Lafayette Square to “lay siege to the White House.” The site also warns that “the possibility of a civil war breaking out sometime next year is no joke.”
The organizers are citing two main reasons for the planned occupation: an alleged lack of progress on Wall Street since the 2009 occupation and that “Trump is trying to steal the election . . . and things could turn very ugly very quickly as November 3rd approaches.” One image used depicts the White House on fire and others show large riots directly in front of the building.
The FBI recommended contacting the Secret Service for comment. The Secret Service and the Department of Justice have not responded to this reporter’s requests for comment in time for publication.
The specific demands are not clear but the site raises concerns about President Trump refusing to leave office if he loses and that “white supremacists are waiting in the wings, spoiling for a violent showdown.”