The mob, not liking being told what to do, began throwing large river rocks at police officers. Several more warnings were given to stop the attacks on the police, all were ignored. At almost midnight, the crowd of cowards began throwing “rocks, frozen eggs, glass bottles, and frozen water bottles” at the officers.

For almost three straight months, the city of Portland has been under siege by members of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
The groups have literally attacked businesses, residences, and police officers every night since May. These attacks started, supposedly, after the death of George Floyd while in police custody in May of the year, however, since then, they have now begun to call for the death of police.
On August 15th, members of Antifa and other rioters attacked Portland Police officers for over 80 consecutive nights. These cowards destroyed property (as they have every night), and used weapons on the officers trying to maintain the peace and protect property.
According to the Portland Police, hundreds of rioters marched toward the Penumbra Kelly Building, which contains the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office and the Portland Police Bureau. This building is surrounded by a large residential area, which has not deterred members of the mob before.
According to the Daily Wire, the rioters began chanting, “Kill a cop, save a life,” “What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now! If we don’t get it, burn it down!” It is not clear what justice they are calling for when they are also calling for death and destruction.