Curtis’ Marxist ties were first discovered when she was nominated for the United States Senate by the Montana Democratic Party in August of 2014. That’s when it was discovered that she had just tagged herself in a photograph featuring a banner for “Industrial Workers of the World,” a Communist organization.

The Montana Federation of Public Employees (MFPE) is the largest union in the Big Sky State, with over 25,000 members, with more than six-thousand working in taxpayer-funded jobs. Many of those 6,500 taxpayer-funded members are public school teachers who pay a portion of their salary to MFPE which offers exclusively Democrat and left-wing political endorsements. The organization’s president chiefly serves the function of attacking Republican political candidates, who they perceive to have platforms contrary to the personal agenda of public employees who make their income from tax revenue.
The MFPE’s new president is Amanda Curtis, a former state legislator and a high school biology teacher in Butte. She is also a failed candidate for statewide office. But Curtis has a new job – attacking Greg Gianforte and a roster of other Republican candidates from her new position at MFPE.
Do Montana’s employees and public school teachers know that Amanda Curtis is an actual, real-life, card-carrying Communist? If not, they should.