“They’ll literally come to the border and call an ambulance,” Van Gorder, president, and CEO of Southern California’s Scripps Health system, told CNN.

People from around the world must look at some of our policies, in the name of humanitarian concerns, and say, how stupid can the USA be? Our immigration policies’ holes are large enough for a semi-truck to drive through. Our porous border allows tens of thousands of illegal aliens, from countries around the world, whom we have no idea who they are to enter each month. Some criminals, some coming to get on government welfare and some with known diseases!
To compound the immigration issues is Goerge Soros funded “Human rights” groups stationed in Mexico and through South America.
They train locals on how to manipulate USA laws, regardless of how nefarious their actions are. Open borders, cheap labor, future democratic voters, etc, are just some of their return on investment for their efforts.
Mexican citizens, relying on the USA to provide services their government refuses to offer, are again showing how stupid America can be.