This time Covid has taught our would-be masters that the generations of Americans now living are easily ordered about and stripped of their ancient rights; and authority’s meek and feeble acquiescence in the face of utterly unjustified destruction — of our cities and the monuments to our history — has taught the mob that society has lost faith in itself and accordingly that plunder and widely inflicted violent chaos carry no risk.

Peter Hitchens’s recent essay is about Britain but change a word here and there and it applies with equal prescience to America.
What we now face is regime change. [text color in original] That is why these strange crowds have begun to gather round ancient and forgotten monuments, demanding their removal and destruction.
They do not know what they want, or understand what they are destroying. But that no longer matters. They think their moment has come, and they may well be right.
This is why the memorial to Winston Churchill, and the Cenotaph itself, were shamefully boarded up on Thursday night – an act of appeasement if ever there truly was one.
Covid is not and never was a health crisis remotely justifying the destructive magnitude of the measures imposed — allegedly against it. It is and always was a seized-upon, contrived, promoted, exaggerated and prolonged wedge, utilized from the beginning by the political left for its ends, and abetted by an establishment already either dominated by those who hate our society and its history or too badly educated to love and defend either.