Truth About Meat Origin Explained By American Cattle Rancher (Video)

American Cattle Rancher Shad Sullivan talks to Patrick Bet-David about the corruption in the cattle industry and why American cattle ranchers are disappearing at an alarming rate. About the Guest: Shad Sullivan is the R-CALF USA Private Property Rights Committee Chair. Sullivan is a fifth genereation native to southeast, Colorado. Raised in the family stocker operation on Antelope Mesa in northewestern Crowley County, Shad learned early on the importance of hard work, dedication, loyalty and integrity. He is a graduate of Crowley County High school and earned his Backelor of Science Degree in Agriculture/Animal Science from West Texas A&M University in 1996. After a short stint instructing and coaching equine evaluation at Clarendon College, Shad returned to the family ranching operation to help perpetuate family tradition of land stewardship and beef production. His greatest love is watching the cattle grow.

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