French intellectual says no-go zones must be reconquered by force (VIDEO)

Eric Zemmour, a prominent conservative intellectual and political journalist, recently argued that France’s crime ridden and drug infested ‘suburbs’ – also known as no-go zones – have become foreign enclaves and must be reconquered by force or abandoned entirely.

During a discussion segment on the French television channel CNEWS, Zemmour contends that a catastrophic situation has arisen where hostile foreign forces, most of which are Islamic, have taken over the suburbs of various cities in France and continue to wage war against law enforcement.

Zemmour, who’s also a spokesman for the police union Synergie, described an ‘asymmetrical war’ being waged by the Left-wing media against the police, who are smeared as colonizers and blamed for the violence which often takes place in these migrant enclaves.


Complete text and video linked here.

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