NAACP: Black Cops Not Real Black People (Video)

One of the most useless and racist organizations in America is the NAACP.

The organization is replete with relics, anachronisms in today’s society. The only thing that makes them relevant is these fools continue to support their oppressors.

The NAACP won’t recognize racism by white elitists who tell them that white people by nature of their skin are “privileged” over blacks. So the racist black clowns spew their masters’ venom, perennial attack dogs whenever the dog whistle of racism is blown.

Blacks who support the NAACP live in a delusional world where black people are not humans, but experiments.

The spokesperson for the NAACP in Charlotte spoke out on behalf of Keith Scott.

According to some, forty-three-year-old Keith Scott was said to be a good man and father to his kids. That’s the narrative we are told to believe.

However there is more to the story, as in San Antonio, Texas, 2002, Scott was arrested for evading arrest, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and assault bodily injury. The New York Times reported that he shot and wounded a man in the case.


Complete text linked here.

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