We need a real full-length, undefeatable border fence built. All illegal men in America should be required to work on building the fence, to be completed in one year. We would pay them minimum wage, provide food and shelter, and provide them English and American history classes at night. Everyone wins.
If we get just one thing right regarding the immigration confusion, let’s demand common sense from our professional political clowns who could and would write a 300-page instruction manual on how to tie your shoes.
Everything worthwhile comes from maximum effort. All legal immigrants who are willing to bust their hump and prove they want to be a glowing, positive asset to America, like always, are welcome. Everyone else should be forced to vamoose back to Mexico, especially the crazy people who want America to become as rotten as the place they escaped. We don’t need any more bloodsuckers.
In America, nothing worth having comes easy or cheap. We should erect tough hurdles and tests in front of all immigrants to deter those not willing to try hard. Those who are willing to apply Herculean effort to become a productive American should have a welcome mat put out in front of them, losers not so much. We already have way more than we can handle.
The Nuge Immigration Plan (NIP) takes five years for even illegal immigrants to become Americans. Until then, they should be treated like indentured servants, meaning that they have to earn their citizenship.
The NIP is not an amnesty program. Amnesty is for left-wing mollycoddlers, losers, bureaucrats and hippies. Occupy that.