A tomahawk chop to political correctness by Ted Nugent

Exclusive: Ted Nugent asserts changing team names won’t help his ‘Indian BloodBrothers’

Every so often some numbskull beats the politically correct war drum protesting the names of sports teams.

The terminally disconnected claim the names of the some teams and their mascots are insensitive, even offensive, to Native Americans. Classic names like the Washington Redskins, Atlanta Braves, Cleveland Indians, Kansas City Chiefs, Chicago Blackhawks.

My advice: Don’t swing at their politically correct spitballs.

If there are Native Americans whose feathers are ruffled over the names of sports teams, I submit that they are sorely focused on all the wrong things.

But that’s what too many Americans do – waste time and energy focusing on things that matter about as much as a giant ball of string.

There are many other issues that should demand our attention instead of talking about how insensitive the “Tomahawk Chop” is to Native Americans.

If we want to focus on the plight of Native Americans, call me crazy horse, but maybe we should start by addressing issues that truly matter most and would actually save Indian’s lives.

The high school dropout rates for American Indians is the highest in the nation.

How about focusing on the disastrous unemployment rate of American Indians, which is near 15 percent?

Suicide rates of American Indian males are twice that of other American males.

Alcoholism rates among American Indians are double that of other ethic groups.


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