Colorado sheriffs planning lawsuit to block new gun laws

The proposed lawsuit would say the law violates the Constitution’s Second Amendment right to bear arms and the 14th Amendment, which bars states from abridging the “privileges and immunities” of citizens, Weld County Sheriff John Cooke said.

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signs three gun bills in his office at the state capitol on March, 20, 2013.

More than half of Colorado sheriffs have agreed to launch a legal challenge to the state’s recently passed gun restrictions.

Thirty-seven of the state’s 62 elected sheriffs are prepared to sue to overturn laws that now prohibit the sale of ammunition magazines holding more than 15 rounds and require background checks for all private gun sales, Weld County Sheriff John Cooke said Tuesday.

Cooke said he expects more sheriffs will sign on to the lawsuit, but other sheriffs said they oppose the effort.

The County Sheriffs of Colorado, which represents the state’s sheriffs, will not take part in the lawsuit.

“The Board of Directors made a decision this was not something that the association should join in,” said County Sheriffs’ executive director Chris Olson.

San Miguel County Sheriff Bill Masters said he doesn’t think the new laws will be effective, but he won’t join in the legal action. “I’m not going to sue anybody for anything. I understand the frustration but I wouldn’t do that.”


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