What are other examples of “non-serious crimes”, according to the good mayor and his like-minded amnesty advocates? Try identity theft, Social Security fraud, tax fraud, tax evasion, “up to three” DUIs, car theft (as the Mayor of Boston asserted), shoplifting, ‘simple’ assault, “up to 3? misdeameanors of any kind…and on and on.
No, this is not an episode of the Twilight Zone, nor an escaped mental patient ranting on camera before being taken away in a straight jacket. This is the sitting mayor of America’s 2nd largest city, and a predicted Democrat Presidential candidate for 2016.
But that doesn’t make it any less crazy.
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa yesterday urged this much at a National Press Club appearance by supporters of illegal alien amnesty:
“It is time to put an end to the practice of deporting non-serious criminals,” said Villaraigosa. “Our neighborhoods will be safer and our families will be more secure.
Uh, ok. So you may now be asking yourself: isn’t crossing the border itself a pretty serious crime? And you would be right. And re-crossing the border, which the average illegal alien has done 2 times – is a Federal felony punishable by up to 5 years in jail. But to Villaraigosa, these are not “serious” crimes.