“Naturally, black apologists believe that these shows perpetuate stereotypes, however, the cancellation of these shows still won’t cancel the statistical reality that blacks are to violent crime what Mickey Mouse is to Disney World. These shows don’t contribute to negative stereotypes… an African-American subculture does.”
John Langley thought he was doing liberals a favor. They were unhappy his long-running reality show, COPS, was showing too many black people getting arrested.
So he reversed it and showed white people getting arrested far out of proportion to the amount of crime they committed. On COPS, blacks are under-represented as the criminal offenders, compared to real numbers in society.
“What irritates me sometimes is critics still watch something and say ‘Oh look, they misrepresent people of color.’ That’s absolutely not true,” said Langley, the show’s producer, in 2009.
To the contrary, “I show more white people than statistically what the truth is in terms of street crime. If you look at the prisons it is 60-something percent people of color and 30 something percent white people. If you look at COPS is it 60 percent white and 40 percent other. It’s just the reverse. And I do that intentionally because I do not want to contribute to negative stereotypes.”
That still was not enough for the media hound dogs at Color of Change. They are starting a campaign to get COPS off the air.
Shows like COPS “over-represent whites as police officers and under-represent blacks and Latinos as authority figures, while also under-representing whites and over-representing people of color as criminals,” say media hound dogs at Color of Change.