Conservative icon blasts GOP as cowards

“The feminist ideology is that women are always victims and men are always batterers. This is why they want to legalize child prostitution, after all it’s the man’s fault. This bill should not have the right to promote state legislation, especially legislation that will harm children by legalizing prostitution by minors.” Phyllis Schlafly said.

The late U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., and Schlafly at the 1980 GOP Convention

A veteran in the conservative movement for nearly five decades says Republicans voted for the Violence Against Women Act this week because they are cowards who are afraid of radical feminists and that fear overcame any concerns they may have had about the content of the bill.

“We call it feminist pork, this bill was dreamed up by radical feminists to promote their agenda,” said Phyllis Schlafly, president of the Eagle Forum and the main force behind stopping the Equal Rights Amendment. “The Republicans voted for this horrible bill for one basic reason. They are afraid of the feminist lobby and would rather vote for it than stand up for principles.”

The renewal of the Violence Against Women Act sounds noble enough based on the title of the bill. However an actual reading of the bill reveals its truth.

For instance, the bill calls upon states to legalize child prostitution under the guise of protecting children.

In the section on combating child sex trafficking, the bill lists “model state criminal law protection” for children engaged in sex trafficking: It recommends states simply pass laws preventing the prosecution of persons under 18 years of age.


Complete text linked here.

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