Facebook changes News Feed

Zuckerberg said the News Feed has become primarily about displaying visual content since the number of smart phone users have continued to increase, and that since the end of 2011 “almost 50 percent of the content” is visual.

Facebook unveiled an updated look to its News Feed feature today, a core element of the social networking site’s interface since nearly its start.

From their Menlo Park, California headquarters Thursday morning, the Silicon Valley giants gave journalists and bloggers an overview of the new changes to the site. After, Facebook announced that new changes would start being rolled out immediately. Users of the desktop website will start seeing changes on Thursday, the company confirmed, with mobile and tablet users seeing design changes occurring during the next few weeks.

Zuckerberg has described News Feed as being one of the “Three Pillars of the Facebook ecosystem,” joining the Timeline and Graph Search features. Those elements were rolled out in 2011 and 2013, respectively, with News Feed being one of the more antiquated features of the website — it debuted in 2006. During Thursday’s unveiling, he said he wanted that core element to help bring the most relevant and important information directly to the user.

The new News Feed, said Zuckerberg, will “give everyone in the world the best personalized newspaper in the world.”


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