Voter Fraud Scheme Uncovered In NC

You will be shocked to see how officials conspired with a private company and the Obama campaign to subvert NC law and commit voter fraud. If this can happen in NC, don’t you think it can happen in any state?

As the NC General Assembly gets ready to present legislation for election reform, you will undoubtedly hear the familiar mantra from Democrats that “no voter fraud exists”. The voters in NC would like to think that we can trust in the integrity of our elections. But can we?

Susan Myrick, investigative reporter for NC Civitas has uncovered a scheme by NC State Board of Elections that allowed more than 11,000 people to register online in direct violation to NC state law. Myrick’s well documented report clearly reveals how deep the corruption becomes when an agency is allowed to operate without accountability to the public.

Susan Myrick’s full investigative report can be read here. I suggest every one read this full report and share it online. You can also listen to her radio interview with Laura Ingraham here. You will be shocked to see how officials conspired with a private company and the Obama campaign to subvert NC law and commit voter fraud. If this can happen in NC, don’t you think it can happen in any state?


Complete text linked here.

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