The actor also reaffirmed what he said earlier this month — that Hollywood is prone to blackballing those who don’t align ideologically and that the industry includes “the least tolerant people you’ll meet.”
Earlier this month, actor Kevin Sorbo spoke with TheBlaze about his career, the politics of Hollywood and his views about President Barack Obama and the current political schema.
The “Hercules” actor’s statements spawned a plethora of reaction, as critics and fans, alike, were surprised by his moderate — and some might argue right-of-center — perspective. We decided to speak with Sorbo, again, this week to see what he thinks about the monumental response and to chat further about his life and career.
While he hasn’t heard much from his Hollywood compatriots regarding the negative comments he uttered about Obama during his Blaze interview, Sorbo said that some of his close friends reacted favorably, commending him for his honesty.
As for Tinseltown, he doesn’t expect a favorable reaction from the elite. But he noted that they likely won’t be surprised, as many already know where he stands on the theological and political fronts. Sorbo noted that his outspoken views and general failure to align with the industry’s left-of-center political outlook is “enough to piss them off” regardless of whether they saw the interview.