USDA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Controversial ‘Cultural Sensitivity Training’ Seminar

Glenn Beck pointed out that Dr. Betances he made $200,000 on the USDA seminar, however, “that’s nothing” compared to how much he has been paid by the federal government. In other words, he didn’t just give one seminar out of the blue. He has reportedly been paid a whopping $2.8 million by the Department of Defense alone and $3.3 million total.

Anonymous USDA whistleblower speaks to Glenn Beck

A whistleblower from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) joined Glenn Beck on TheBlaze TV Tuesday to discuss a disturbing “Cultural Sensitivity Training” program that encouraged federal workers in attendance to chant racially-charged and controversial phrases. The training was reportedly part of “a broader effort towards cultural transformation at USDA.”

As TheBlaze previously reported, video of the sensitivity training session, conducted by the USDA, was published last week by Judicial Watch after the group was tipped by a whistleblower. Critics have accused the USDA of allowing their workers to be indoctrinated.

Beck began Tuesday’s show by recapping some of the most outrageous statements made by the seminar’s diversity awareness trainer Dr. Samuel Betances. Here’s your refresher course:

“I want you to say, America was founded by outsiders. Say that. Who are today’s insiders, who get very nervous about today’s outsiders. I want you to say, the pilgrims were illegal aliens. Say the pilgrims never gave their passports to the Indians.”

Many of the federal employees at the “diversity” sessions chanted back at him. Watch the shocking footage below:

Another USDA whistleblower, whose voice and face were disguised, told Beck that he took a stand and eventually had to walk out of the divisive diversity training seminar.


Complete text linked here.

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