Maybe we ought not to put too much energy into the “immigration debate.” Obama will enforce the parts of the law he likes and disregard the rest. So, why get too excited over the details of any new immigration plan? It’s so yesterday, dude.
We won’t see it in any headline, but immigration is dead.
You can’t have immigration without immigrants, and we no longer have immigrants, we have only migrants. Everyone is a migrant. We all migrate at some time, from town to town, state to state, region to region and country to country. It’s all the same. Really, when you think about it, we’re all just citizens of the world, and borders are artificial and illusory.
Thus, since immigration is dead, it may be a waste of time to have another national debate over “immigration reform.” Congress has killed immigration through indifference, and Obama has done a victory dance on its grave.
If you think immigration is not yet dead, consider the total insignificance of immigration law. Under Obama, who rules by executive fiat, immigration law is now without meaning. And borders? They are irrelevant. Every international airport is legally and functionally part of our border, and more people arrive from foreign countries at airports than at ports of entry on our land borders. Any foreign national who can get a tourist visa, student visa, business travel visa or refugee visa can cross our border legally and take up residence – and never be asked to leave.