Lt. Gregory Callaghan was passed over in favor of the son of a former commander and a “minority female” in early 2011. Two months later the chief announced plans to promote three people, including a “Hispanic male,” according to the complaint This May, Schultz promoted “a woman, an African American male and another employee who is a close friend of the Chief Administrative Officer for the City who did not even participate in the (application) process,” according to Callaghan’s complaint.
The Albuquerque Police Department passed over better qualified officers in order to promote women and minorities to top command positions with the approval of the city’s administrators, according to a reverse-discrimination claim filed by a police lieutenant.
The claim filed by Lt. Gregory Callaghan alleges he missed out on promotions because of his race, sex and age. It also claims that top police officials retaliated against him when he questioned the promotions.
The Albuquerque Journal reported that the Human Rights Bureau at the state Workforce Solutions Department notified Albuquerque police on Aug. 24 that it would investigate Callahan’s complaint.
Callaghan’s complaint names Police Chief Ray Schultz, Deputy Chiefs Paul Feist and Allen Banks and city Chief Administrative Officer Rob Perry.
Schultz declined to comment. Perry said he hasn’t seen the complaint but is pleased Schultz considers diversity as an important component of his executive promotion selection process.
“These new commanders are all well-qualified,” Perry told the Journal.