Liberal Study: Anchor Babies, Immigrant Kids Destroying Economy, Fastest Growing Population Group

Many of the parents are Hispanic and speak little or no English. And though the story of the U.S. is one of immigrants whose children assimilate, some researchers worry about the prospects for this generation. Their performance, they say, could undermine the U.S. economy as the children grow up, affecting everything from medical services for baby boomers to home prices.

Here’s more hard evidence that Barack Obama’s newly announced amnesty for “kids” under age 30 is creating long-term damage to America. And it’s a policy, by the way, which Mitt Romney wouldn’t say he’d reverse . . . because he won’t. We’ve long known that anchor babies–not just their illegal alien parents–are a huge drain on American society and our dying economy. They cost the State of California–just that state–billions of dollars. But now even a liberal children’s foundation is sounding the clarion call through a study that says America’s future will be undermined by the children of immigrants, that they will destroy an economy which is already pretty sick and wounded.

The education, health and socioeconomic lot of the children of immigrants, the fastest-growing population group in the U.S., has raised concerns about how those children will perform when they enter the workforce.

Many of the parents are Hispanic and speak little or no English. And though the story of the U.S. is one of immigrants whose children assimilate, some researchers worry about the prospects for this generation. Their performance, they say, could undermine the U.S. economy as the children grow up, affecting everything from medical services for baby boomers to home prices.

“The baby-boom generation … will increasingly depend on children of immigrants to ensure the economy is productive,” said Donald Hernandez, a sociology professor at Hunter College who wrote a report on the children of immigrants.


Original source.

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