Just for starters, it turns out this allegedly gun-happy nutball got his concealed weapons permit on the advice of an animal control officer, because a pit bull was menacing him and his wife. He was asked to begin neighborhood watch patrols by his community, which a black resident – who asked not to be indentified, because she fears retaliation – testified was being robbed by young black men.
George Zimmerman
How badly has the media mis-reported the Trayvon Martin shooting? Just look at how rapidly the story is mutating, now that George Zimmerman is up on charges – thanks to a ridiculously over-reaching affadavit, for which some observers, including legendary liberal lawyer Alan Dershowitz, think the prosecutor should be up on charges.
Do you remember the story you heard on Day One, when this first became big national news? A racist white man gunned down an innocent little black boy for no reason, just because he was Walking While Black through a swanky gated condo community. The cracker cops of his small Florida town waved this trigger-happy paranoid self-appointed security guard on his merry way.
A million furrowed brows bent over the tape of Zimmerman’s 911 call, seeking to divine racial epithets from his barely-audible muttering. NBC News deliberately edited out the 911 dispatcher asking Zimmerman to describe the ethnicity of the person he was observing, to make him appear race-obsessed. When the media suddenly discovered what Zimmerman actually looks like, his designation was changed, with nearly one hundred percent consistency, to “white Hispanic,” by media outlets which had previously employed that designation three or four times in a century, at most.
We saw a thousand reprints of the most infamously disingenuous photographic comparison in recent memory: a shot of 12-year-old Trayvon beaming happily, next to an equally outdated mug shot of a morose George Zimmerman. It took a long time for the media to cough up more recent photos of either one.