‘Forward!’ by Tom Tancredo

Community organizers like Barack went forward to spread the gospel of identity politics. They recognized that a new proletariat could be built out of the creation of a host of “victimized” groups. These would not be made up only of race and gender specifications, but eco-terrorists, crony capitalists and an ever-expanding class of freeloaders who could deliver votes to remake society from within.

Obama has adopted “Forward” as a slogan for his re-election campaign. It is not very original. It has been used by other leftist movements throughout the world.

I can see why he chose it. After all, who can be against moving forward? Whatever the observer deems to be a desirable future will be what he or she assumes the slogan has in mind.

So what does “forward” mean to the Obama team? Well, we can only assume it reflects the continued effort to thoroughly “transform America” – a promised goal of the 2008 campaign.

Along those lines, Obama and his mentors long ago came to the realization that the old Marxian tactics based on the division of society into two competing camps – the bourgeoisie and the proletariat – failed to bring about the “transforming” revolution. These tactics were posited on the assumption that the plight of the working class would inexorably deteriorate and that, eventually, after the middle class had been wiped out by “big business” and after enough blood had been shed, the worker’s paradise would emerge.

The fact that capitalism proved to be the greatest mechanism ever devised to provide massive improvements in lifestyles – and life spans – has not stopped the left from seeking to kill the goose that has laid this remarkable golden egg.


Original source.

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