Rush Limbaugh Savages Media‘s ’Reverse Racism’ in 30 Min Informal Interview With HS Student

Limbaugh saw the moment as a golden opportunity, and over the course of an impromptu half hour interview with the student, posted on the Daily Rushbo, he laid out a devastatingly comprehensive indictment of the media for keeping racism alive in America by keeping the fear of racism alive.

At least one high school student is about to turn in a red hot paper. Apparently, a Los Angeles area high school has assigned its students to write a paper in History Class dealing with “art or justice.“ One student picked the topic ”Racism in the Mainstream Media.” Yet unlike so many other students, who would have probably gone to radical or Left-wing commentators to point out just how many ways the Media isn’t fearful enough of racism, this student decided to call the last person most educators would expect: Rush Limbaugh.


You can listen to the full half hour interview in the following videos.


Original source.

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