Website of the Week: Sons of the Revolution in the State of California

The purpose of this Society is to venerate those who served in the Revolutionary war, to keep alive the traditions engendered during and as a result of that conflict, to maintain the patriotic traditions of the United States of America, and to keep ever fresh the memory of individuals who served in that war through genealogical research into the heritage of those eligible for membership in the SR.



It being evident from the steady decline of a proper celebration of the National holidays of the United States of America, that popular concern in the events and men of the War of the Revolution is gradually declining, and that such lack of interest is attributable, not so much to the lapse of time and rapid increase of immigration from foreign countries, as to the neglect, on the part of descendants of Revolutionary heroes, to perform their duty in keeping before the public mind the memory of the services of their ancestors and of the times in which they lived; therefore, the Society of Sons of the Revolution has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of the men, who, in the military, naval and civil service of the colonies and of the Continental Congress, by their acts or counsel, achieved the Independence of the Country, and to further the proper celebration of the anniversaries of the birthday of Washington; and of prominent events connected with the War of the Revolution; to collect and secure for preservation the rolls, records, and other documents relating to that period; to inspire the members of the Society with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers; and to promote the feeling of friendship among them.

Sons of the Revolution in the State of California – Founding and Purpose

American Heritage Library

Located at 600 South Central Avenue, Glendale, the American Heritage Library and Museum is supported by the generous donations of patriotic Americans who value our nation’s heritage. The Library specializes in genealogical and early American history resources with emphasis on the Colonial and Revolutionary War period. It also has a fine collection of 18th and 19th century vital records, family histories, American military history and English genealogy.

The American Heritage Library, in Glendale, California, has been provided as a public service to the public since 1893, its purpose being to act as a repository for books and reference materials relating to the American Revolution; early American, California and local history; and genealogy.

For more than 110 years the Library and Museum has been operated and maintained as a service to the community by the Sons of the Revolution in the State of California, a IRC 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Use of the Library is free to anyone in keeping with the purpose of the Society “to encourage interest in the early history of the United States . . . to perpetuate the memory of the brave men who fought in the Revolutionary War, and to collect and preserve the manuscripts, records and documents relating to our past.”

By the turn of the twentieth century, the Library’s collection consisted of 5,000 volumes, an impressive size for the time. Growth of the collection, through direct acquisition and gifts, has been steady over the past 100 years, and has included by gift several major private collections. Today, the Library comprises over 25,000 titles and is well known as one of the largest collections relating to the American Revolution and Colonial America in the western United States. An ongoing fund, supplemented by gifts from the community, facilitates an aggressive books and acquisition program to maintain, broaden and update the collection. The Sons of the Revolution owns the building and collections outright.

Sons of the Revolution in the State of California – American Heritage Library

Sons of the Revolution in the State of California

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