Glenn was invited to Europe to speak with leaders from Serbia, Georgia, Milan, Rome, Germany, Austria, London, and Israel. These leaders had heard of Glenn’s work in America and in Israel and were interested in bringing his message of individual freedom and personal responsibility to their own countries.
Over the weekend news broke that Glenn Beck flew from the United States to Europe in order to organize an international movement of peace and freedom. He was invited to meet with leaders of several European Tea Party groups, and separately with several key officials in the Catholic Church. The meetings are the latest in a series of discussions that Glenn has had with major political and religious figures over the past few years. Again and again, Glenn’s conversations with these leaders have focused on looking beyond politics for solutions, but rather to individuals, personal responsibility, and faith. As part of this message, Glenn has called for the faithful to remain distinct and separate in theology, but to stand together as a people of faith. These ideas will culminate at Glenn’s “Restoring Love” event in Dallas, TX on July 28th at Cowboy’s Stadium.
When Glenn signed off of radio last Wednesday he gave little indication of where he was going except that it was a “special assignment” and his audience needed to tune in on February 20th to get the details. Last night, it was revealed that he had actually travelled to Europe in order to organize an international movement of peace and freedom.
Glenn was invited to Europe to speak with leaders from Serbia, Georgia, Milan, Rome, Germany, Austria, London, and Israel. These leaders had heard of Glenn’s work in America and in Israel and were interested in bringing his message of individual freedom and personal responsibility to their own countries. The meeting, organized by FreedomWorks and Mercury One, sought to bring people on the front lines of the freedom and peace movement overseas together to learn from one another and to find ways to work together to spread the message of freedom to their own communities and beyond.
Meeting with international Tea Party groups