Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, the conservative movement: you are no more to the white-shoe, country-club, insider GOP establishment than Mitt Romney’s dog. You can ride on the top of Mitt’s car, or on the back of Mitt’s bus, but the GOP belongs to him, and people like him, and not you, or people like you. Always has. Always will.
At some country-club golf course recently, Speaker Boehner, Haley Barbour and the Bain Capital and banking wings of the GOP probably devised the plan that is now under way: Ron Paul, get on the program behind Mitt and stop talking down wars. Sarah Palin, stop referring to the GOP establishment as Stalinesque. Tea Party members: shut up and get behind the former liberal governor of Massachusetts. Conservative movement, cool it. So what if our nominee was the godfather of ObamaCare?
The French say, apres moi, le deluge. The white-shoe, country-club, establishment Republican leaders will be pressuring in unison after Florida, saying to the right, the Tea Party, Ron Paul and Sarah Palin: be good little boys and girls because we own this party, not you. The post-Florida deluge of pressure is coming, with the appropriate suspects in the media class chanting with the GOP establishment, for about the third time in this campaign: it is over, children, the Romney takeover of the conservative conscience and the Republican Party is done.
Mission accomplished.
Don’t believe it.
To the Ron Paul people: they don’t get you, because you actually believe in something.